Following all the recommendations below will help you avoid any pitfalls on the big day. Please take the time to read through the entire post before you smoke your first bird. The post below is loaded with lots of information to help you get the best smoked turkey around. The most important thing is to use a grill where you can create indirect heat, maintain consistent temperatures, and add in the element of wood smoke. But you can make this smoked turkey on a gas grill, charcoal grill, or any type of smoker you have. Nowadays, I prefer to use my Camp Chef SmokePro pellet smoker because it maintains the smoke and temperatures for me so I don’t have to do as much babysitting. In fact, our first-ever smoked turkey was done on our old gas grill, and to date, is one of the most amazing smoked turkeys I’ve ever had (you never forget your first!). You can make a smoked turkey at home, no matter what kind of grill you’ve got on your deck. Smoking a turkey can be just as easy as cooking it in your kitchen. Nothing beats a home-cooked turkey on Thanksgiving, and this smoked turkey recipe will help you get the best smoked turkey ever! Don’t feel intimidated by this recipe. I can guarantee this smoked turkey will take your holiday meal to the next level! The turkey is delicious and tender, and the whole bird tastes like it came from an upscale restaurant.

This smoked turkey recipe is the perfect turkey to serve on Thanksgiving or other special occasions. Jump to Recipe Jump to Video Print Recipe